Testing bindings for livecoding in Janet

Created: 2021-03-28T02:17:04-05:00

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Livecoding in Janet is possible (but not discussed much?)

To accomplish it you have to make sure anything replacable at runtime is stored properly. It must go in a (var) instead of a (def) because you need to be able to (set) it to a new function. Paving over defines by using a new (def) can work but previously minted code will continue to use the now-inaccessible functions or values that were there originally.

Replacing def bindings is allowed but just puts old value out of scope:

(defn boggle [] (pp "potato jacks"))
(defn jiggle [] (boggle))
(defn boggle [] (pp "jingle jacks"))

Replacing var bindings also just puts the old one out of scope:

(var boggle (fn [] (pp "potato jacks")))
(var jiggle (fn [] (boggle)))
(var boggle (fn [] (pp "jingle jacks")))

Setting an existing var binding will update which function is called:

(var boggle (fn [] (pp "potato jacks")))
(var jiggle (fn [] (boggle)))
(set boggle (fn [] (pp "jingle jacks")))