Created: 2021-02-15T18:02:58-06:00
A lot of millionaires and billionaires do drugs.
Took illegal stimulants in college, completed thesis in four days.
Also smokes weed for 'medical' reasons, also fills whiteboards while high and produces in normal time.
Taking hallucinogens to prove perception of reality is subjective; subjective experience can be modified with techniques.
I don't know anyone who is hugely successful who did not have drugs as an assistant
You don't know if you are going to be the productive drug user or the drug addict.
"One a day" vitamins are marketing; there is no reason they are not any other dosage.
Having a cheat day for food is the worst way to diet
Breaking particular addictions individually; eating a different item every time you crave the negative thing.
Associate the new habit with an existing habit.
Get a parner to do the same habit with you.
Use rewards and penalties.