Created: 2021-02-15T14:38:38-06:00
This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.
Bus: can push values to it
Poll: polls something in the background and pushes values when they come in
Promise: waits for a promise to resolve, pushes result when ready
Callback: pushes events when a callback is called
Once: emits an event and dies
Later: waits some time and emits an event
Interval: emit the same event over time
From Array: dump an arrays contents to a stream
Sequentially: dump each element of an array with a delay between elements
Repeatedly: Sequentially, but start from the beginning when you run out of elements
Repeat: calls a generator to produce an event
Never: die immediately
Silence: wait a while, then die
Buffer with count: tumbled window that fills up with count items; flushes to output
Buffer with time: tumbled window that fills up until time has passed; flushes to output
Buffer with time or count: tumbled window that fills up until count items or time has passed; flushes to output
Buffering throttle: accumulates items, pushes one item per interval
Changes: pushes events when they are different than the last event that was sent
Combine: zip two streams; runs a function on both inputs and pushes the result of the function downward
Concat: when the first stream dies, all further values from the next stream.
Debounce: keep only the most recent element, flush after an interval of silence
Debounce immediate: push first element, then debounce until silence, resets after flushing
Delay: holds on to elements for an interval, then pushes them
Diff: pushes events which are the difference between the last element seen and the latest event
Do action: runs a function for every event, but pushes the original event
End on error: die when an error punctuation is seen
Errors: return only error punctuation
Filter: only allow values through which a function approves
First: return the first event and die
Flat *: map/concat/etc but they receive arrays of events, and flatten them to individual events
Fold: starts with a seed, applies a function to the seed and incoming element, saves the seed; flushes when incoming streams die
Group By/Partition: stores incoming events in to separate buckets by some key, events from bucket are flushed on punctuation
Hold when: divert events to buffer when event is truthy, flushes when value is falsy.
Last: keeps only the most recent event; flushes when stream dies
Map: applies a function to each event, pushes value returned by function
Map end: when incoming stream dies, return result of a function before dying
Merge: deliver events from two incoming streams
On error, value, end, etc: adds notifier when something of a given type crosses the stream; returns function to revoke subscription
Reduce/Scan: holds seed, runs function againt seed and incoming value, updates and pushes seed
Sampled by: when stream receives event, take the latest event from the underlying stream/property and push it
Skip: ignore the first count of events
Skip duplicates: ignore events if they are the same as the most recently pushed event
Skip errors: ignore error punctuations
Skip until: skip values until an event equal to the supplied event is encountered
Skip while: skip values until a function is false for the first time
Sliding window: push sliding windows of events
Take: pass through count events then die
Take until: pass events and die when an event goes across another stream
Take while: pass events through and die when a predicate fails
Throttle: emit an event and then drop events until after an interval; basically Debounce but swaps which end of the event spam goes through