Backpressure, Factory Analogy and Socialism - Quinn
Created: 2021-02-12T15:36:17-06:00
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Clogging: when some process pushes more things (screws) than are needed.
Backpressure: when some process factory step signals it is being clogged; "we don't need any more screws!!"
Model: A car factory with too many incoming screws and not enough incoming things to be attached with screws.
- Imagine the screw factory cannot move more screws because the car factory does not have enough things to attach with screws.
- The screw factory then complains there are more screws than holes (jobs.)
- The government then legislates that the car factory must accept more screws by fiat.
- The car factory hires staff to accept excess screw boxes and place them directly in the landfill.
- The state now incurs a permanent ongoing debt as useless work is done and discarded†.
†But at least politicians get to feel like they did something.