Created: 2021-02-11T14:08:34-06:00
This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.
Draw: generic detailing; pushes surface in or out
Clay: seems to be the same as draw
Clay Strips: piles on strips of clay on top of a surface
Layer: tries to push the surface in or out "beneath" detail work; ex tries to maintain any smaller sculpts on top of the surface being pushed.
Crease: pulls vertices together to create or reinforce sharp edges.
Pinch: pulls vertices together harder than crease does; can pinch edges created by crease to make them even sharper.
Grab: stretches topology around without adding new geometry
Snake hook: stretches topology around but adds geometry to the space created by the stretch
Inflate: fattens up a region; ex. a noodly region created by the snake hook
Nudge: tries to smudge/push details
Rotate: spins details inside the brush area
Mask: paints a mask which will not be modified by other brushes
Dyntopo: creates topology to support brush strokes; when disabled will only move around vertices already in the mesh.
Relative detail: dyntopo is relative to the viewport and not the world; ex. the brush stays the same size when you zoom but affects different pixels.