Created: 2020-11-27T16:09:21-06:00
This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.
I don't want to be known too much. I don't want too many lookyloos in my life.
I gain my strength from a place of quiet.
If someone reaches out to me I won't be sitting back thinking oh whatever. It's going to take time.
God [..] made hell my teacher.
That one clip of Rocky getting up when Apollo kept knocking him down [..] who I wanted to be [..] the guy who kept getting up after getting knocked down.
I didn't know my life was as bad as it was because it's what I went through.
The second he got drunk he got mad.
When you see your mother go from Mary Poppin's to a shell, someone with no emotion who is stoic, that changes a kid.
My dad gave everyone a different view of him [..] those doors shut, man, the devil himself comes out.
Now the kids are calling me nigger, but it wasn't all the kids.
[My mother and I] lived in the same place but we had seperate lives.
She was a great mom but I was on my own.
As a young kid I observed everybody. I wasn't really smart in the books but I was really smart when it came to life.
She never picked me up. The biggest thing she did for me [..] when I would fail she would never pick me up. She never gave me that cookie and said son it will be okay.
Never saying life is going to be okay. Matter of fact she told me the opposite: life sucks.
I used to rest [from working out] one day a week but it was an active recovery day.
This person was not made by God. I made this person.
If you're fat then call yourself fat.
We're so soft to ourselves we are looking for that recovery day. It's not coming, it's not coming. Get over that recovery day.
That one thing that we don't have is confidence. [..] You no longer look to other people for your self esteem.
Where I got my work ethic from was the hours I had to spend learning this.
I can beat the valedictorian of the school. But I have to work ten times harder than he does. [..] I am dumb. But I can beat you.
Having the discipline to say "For me to learn this one math problem, it's going to take me ten hours."
You can out work anybody no matter how badass they are.
You don't gain confidence by going to the spot that makes you feel good.
That happy spot. No. What gave me confidence was spending years at a kitchen table trying to learn to read and write. I can't learn the way you learn. I can't. But I can learn. What gave me confidence was overcoming the fear.
You know what gives me confidence? That I no longer care, that I start stuttering at you.
In that discomfort zone is where my confidence is getting built.
Billionaires call me like, "I'm still missing something."
You have to face yourself.
The one thing that had me going was my training. And that was taken from me [by sickness.]
You must have time to reflect.
We were training bigger, stronger, faster quitters.
Everybody's got a story. We don't share it on social media. We share our nice life on social media. We all have a dungeon. Most of us aren't willing to talk about it.
Mental toughness isn't something that you sample. It's something that you live in.
look for comfort and return to our insecurities, then look for comfort from our insecurities.
Must retrain your mind [not to seek comfort.]
The mental standard is you must know how far you've come.
Callousing over the victim's mentality. You are always a victim even if you have everything else until you realize what you've achieved.
A lot of us speak in hollow words.
A lot of us in life want to take the four lane highway. The one that has maps.
My biggest fear in life is if there is a final resting place [..] I don't want to sit down and have a conversation with someone or something that says you're in heaven. This is what you should have been on earth. Are you really in heaven now or are you in hell?
There is no cap on the human mind. We cap it ourselves.
Three months later my stress fractures were healed. By running on them.
Be uncomfortable [..] don't injure yourself.
Be ready to go back to scratch in your mind on a moment's notice. You can never go beyond scratch.
Don't stay [at scratch]. Take a day trip. Always take day trips.
20 year old fireman comparing the price of buying shoes to how many hours of digging fire brakes.
When I was young all I wanted was a quarter pounder burger from Hardy's.
[..] wait twelve years. That's what keeps you going. I'm doing it for one second.
It's the twelve years that I want.
Being a perfectionist is the worst thing that can happen to a person.
[..] when nobody is coming to save you and you get through it.
Anything that makes me feel that fear feeling is going to get conquered.
The biggest challenge for me is I want to be comfortable.
When you get comfortable [the hard personality] starts to die.
In the race of life life doesn't give you a glass of water because you are thirsty.
I can not tell you something that I have not done.
You will lose the ability to suffer the worst of times if you are out of it for too long.
You are your own idol.
Never pick the easy road.
The permanent fix comes from the hard road.