Gherkin Language

Created: 2020-11-06T00:41:23-06:00

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This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.

Comments: Allowed only at start of lines. Formally zero or more spaces followed by a hash followed by any characters until newline.

Freeform comment: These are only allowed in some keywords that explicitly allow freeform comments.

Keywords: Feature, Rule, Example, Scenario, Given, When, Then, And, But, *, Background, Scenario Outline, Scenario Template, Examples, Scenarios

Asterisk is for writing lists.

Given I am an elf

The following keywords are allowed a freeform comment section: Example, Scenario, Background, Scenario Outline, and Rule.



Background is a container for steps which are run before every scenario in the feature file. It is used to prefix every test with a chain of "given ... and ..." clauses.

Step keywords

Step keywords do not actually matter. The keyword you use is not passed along to the testing harness. But you are still encouraged to use them correctly.

Scenario Templates and Outlines

"Scenario Template" and "Scenario Outline" are used for template and table based tests. Steps within the outline are executed with keywords surrounded in <>'s being replaced with the value of rows in a table.

One or more "Examples" and "Scenarios" blocks must be provided. Each block must contain a table with variable names and values of each variable in that test situation.

Scenario Outline: eating
Given there are <start> cucumbers
When I eat <eat> cucumbers
Then I should have <left> cucumbers

| start | eat | left |
|    12 |   5 |    7 |
|    20 |   5 |   15 |

Doc strings and table parameters

Doc strings are triple quotes, end with triple quotes. Passed to the step as their last parameter. Indentation is not significant outside the quote but the indentation leading up to the first triple quote is removed from all lines of the string.

Given some step
the two spaces before this line are removed because of the string

Table parameters work the same way but a table instead of a string. Used to provide a table of values to a step.

Given the following users exist:
| name   | email              | twitter         |
| Aslak  |  | @aslak_hellesoy |
| Julien | | @jbpros         |
| Matt   |   | @mattwynne      |