Greylisting (spam prevention)
Created: 2020-09-26T11:50:44+00:00
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This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.
- Looks at triplets of IP delivering the message, sender and recipient address.
- If the triplet is not recognized then report a temporary delivery failure.
- If they try again at a later time then allow the delivery.
The thesis of greylisting is spam bots are designed to "fire and forget," which means they will never attempt a second delivery. Legitimate mail systems will do so. Although if a spammer hijacks an unsecured relay then this technique won't help (though the relay can be banned.)
- Badly built SMTP relays might not try to re-send messages.
- Some large mail senders may have multiple senders and so will attempt delivery from different IP addresses; if this causes too many failures the mail will simply bounce.