Michela Stenotype System
Created: 2020-09-15T22:05:01+00:00
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It's a phonetic shorthand stenotype machine but uses a piano keyboard with a split center.
- Dreamed of a "universal alphabet."
- Was given a lesser academic medal for "founds of which the process was secret."
- Was used in combination with brail to make it possible for blind people to type
- Based on piano keys since the mechanisms were available at the time
- Michela stenotypes were commissioned to transcribe senate hearings and have continued since the 13th parliament
- Consists of ten keys per hand and usually a split center for spacing.
- Left hand keys: BWWBWBWBWW
- Right hand keys: WWBWBWBWWB
- Contains four "banks" of sigils which help make up syllables.
- Words are comprised of phonemes and entire phonemes are typed at once.
- On top of this custom short-hand is used for common words which may otherwise be multiple phonemes.