Visual Scripting Hub
Created: 2020-08-31T02:24:59+00:00
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001 Engine-like
- Uses a top-to-bottom noodle graph for scripts
- Expressions are edited through a text interface?
Multimedia Fusion-like
- Shows a grid, events on the left and object types on the top
- Expressions edited through text interface?
- 2.5 has slightly more interactive way to pick expressions though
RPG Maker-like
- One side is a button panel of events, the other is a list of events already in a script.
Game Maker-like
- Overmars: had a list with icons, drag and drop from palette to list (like rpgmaker)
- Yoyo: Noodle graph editor, like 001
- Basically the RPGMaker/GameMaker thing again. List of events, pick from a palette.
- Control flow done with label and goto