Nassim Haramein - Sacred Geometry and Unified Fields
Created: 2020-08-31T02:07:23+00:00
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This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.
- "If a point doesn't exist, a line doesn't exist, and a plane doesn't exist, adding another dimension does not result in existence."
- "It's dots all the way up!"
- The female/spiritual thinks of "infinite" and the masculine/rational thinks of "boundaries."
- Sacred geometry example; took a circle and filled it with two triangles (star of david.) Pattern can repeat indefinitely and maintains the same shape but gets smaller and smaller.
- Talks about ever larger accelerators are used to find ever smaller particles.
- 99.99% of reality consists of space
- "It's quite a big book, so when you pick it up you learn all you need to know about gravity."
- If every action has an equal opposite reaction, how can a cosmology exist that consists solely of expansion?
- Equations prove that space has an infinite density, an observation skirted with "renormalization."
- Planck distance = smallest measurement the universe can do
- Possibly related to Zorro's arrow of time? If there were no minimal limit then motion would not be possible. Therefore Planck distance must exist to prevent spacetime from being infinitely divisible.
- Casimir effect