Crafting Interpreters
Created: 2020-08-27T02:40:52.243421
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- Lexical analysis: turning a stream of symbols in to meaningful chunks such as strings, numbers, punctuation pieces.
- Parsing: turning a stream of lexically analyzed chunks in to a meaningful and categorized tree.
- Parsing creates an "abstract syntax tree."
- Static analysis: learns things about a program based on what you can tell without having to run it. For example if a variable appears to ever be used or written to.
- Intermediate representation: a format you convert code in to before turning it in to what it's supposed to be.
- Optimization: walking over code and replacing it with equivalent but better peforming code.
- p-code: "portable" or "bytecode" which can be adapted to run on different CPUs through a "virtual machine."
- Transpiler: converts one set of source code to another set of source code. People will bikeshed about the difference between a compiler and a transpiler.
- Dynamically typed: slots can hold any type of object and the type can change.
- Statically typed: slots can only hold specific types of objects which are specified when the code is written.
- Classes: a set of attributes common to all instances of the class.
- Prototypes: objects which may defer data they do not know to another parent object, but each object is truly its own.
- Context free grammars
- Meta programming: using programs to help write programs.
- Visitor pattern
- Pretty printer: walking a syntax tree and producing code from it.
- Recursive descent parsing
- Talks about variable scoping, implementing closures in an interpreter.
- Pratt parsers. Dispatching on punctuation and looking at operator precedence. Doesn't explain what pratt parsers are in much detail though.
- Mark&Sweep collectors: one phase marks all things which can be seen from a root, another phase frees memory pages which are not properly marked.
- Modulos on numbers which are powers of two can be more optimally implemented as bit masks.
- NAN Boxing
Lexing and Parsing
Lexing turns this:
World henlo: 'Hi.'
In to this:
While parsing turns this:
In to this: