BATMAN Routing
Created: 2020-08-14T22:09:52.900476
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BATMAN is slightly worse than pre-existing algorithms for static architecture. It is however superior in practice since it handles endpoints that are continuously in motion.
- Mesh networking over semi-unreliable broadcast stations.
- A "vector" routing protocol; knows distance and strength to other nearby nodes.
- Piecemeal; there is no "central routing" database.
TODO Need to bother to read all the docs for this.
- Each node stores only direction and power to next best hop for a route.
- Nodes broadcast "hello" with their address, time to live and sequence numbers.
- Nodes propagate received "hellos" at most once.
- More frequent and higher quality "hellos" indicate that transmitter is the best route.
Wikipedia entry on BATMAN
Official overview docs
BATMAN concept article