Media for Thinking the Unthinkable
Created: 2020-08-12T20:38:31.397279
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This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.
- Use of graphs and drawings rather than trying to describe something in words.
- Seeing details about what is going on; ex. seeing voltage that goes through a circuit.
- Hamming: there are unseeable colors, so why not unthinkable thoughts?
- Interactive graphs; running formulas and showing graphs of their results. Connecting variables together and seeing how their individual values change throughout time.
- 24:45 fancy interactive graphing tool
Nile language; created to implement a graphics rendering engine.
- Rendering engine written in ~500 SLOC through using Nile, ex. abstracting away boilerplate.
- 32:00 tool where you place shapes on to a canvas, it records the steps for making the shapes and you can then go back and parameterize pieces of the shapes. Creates interactive / data modifiable graphs.
Jerome Bruner
- Interactive: Thinking by doing
- Visual: Seeing
- Symbolic: Thinking with language