LancetGate: “Scientific Corona Lies” and Big Pharma Corruption. Hydroxychloroquine versus Gilead’s Remdesivir
Created: 2020-07-28T16:52:06.349519
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- May 22nd Lancet published an n >= 90k study showing HQCC has no result against COVID-19
- As of July 5, Lancet retracted the study as it became apparent the data was not only wrong but was never collected. It was invented and published based on nothing.
- The same location in charge of the HQCC study was simultaneously running Remdesivir studies.
The often evasive answers produced by Dr Mandeep R. Mehra, … professor at Harvard Medical School, did not produce confidence, fueling doubt instead about the integrity of this retrospective study and its results. (France Soir, June 5, 2020)
Goes on a bunch of anti-Fauci and anti-Gilead stuff that I didn't care about.
- Mandeep Mehra
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH)
- Remdesivir
- Hydroxychloroquine (HQC)
- Francisco Marty
Retracted Lancet article