Eric Dollard - History and Theory of Electricity
Created: 2020-07-16T02:42:30.612655
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- Tesla was the 'culmination' of many electrical engineers work.
- Galvani experimented with supplying charge to the nerves of dead animals, making their limbs move.
- An "atmosphere" around all metals.
- The atmosphere between a shiny plate of copper and zinc creates an electrical atmosphere.
- Electrolyte: a fluid which is corosive, creating an electrical condition from the atmosphere of two metals.
- Volta created a stack of electrolytes and metals for a "chemical cell."
- Faraday found his compasses would move when drawing sparks from Volta cells.
- Faraday thought there was an invisible membrane conveying motion to allow "action at a distance."
- A copper wire coiled against itself gives increasing amperage and stronger magnetic fields.
- "Boundary condition," where electrical effects refuse to manifest without a path from positive to negative, ex. a circuit.
- Earth grounded telegraphs; Stillman grounded telegraphs through the earth and energy began to appear at distant outposts.
- Teletypes started to activate on their own when earth was hit by solar flares.
- Maxwell used calculus to find a way to study change in electricity.
- Formulas for electrical engineering was present in music, Bach.
- " Force" of electricity always amounts to 1/c^2
- Magnetic energy travels at the speed of light
- Dielectric energy travels at ??? speed
- Telegraph equation by Oliver Heaviside (LC-RG)*sqrt(1)+(RC+LG)*sqrt(-1)
- Heaviside used iron wire and magnetic tapes to counteract the magnetic forces being lost faster than the electrical forces in the insulation.
- Steinmetz was hired by GM to work out the math to Tesla systems so they could defeat Tesla's patents.
- Tesla moved on to impulse electricity after working out AC.
- Steinmetz created symbolic algebra to explain Heaviside math without calculus.
- Alexanderson's radio experiments suggested electriity moving through a point to point tunnel; or being in the same point despite distance.
- DC has no frequency.
- Alternating current has a constant, fixed frequency. known as "cycles per second."
- Impulse train energy dies instead at an exponential decay, known as "decibels per second."
- Unipolar circuit explained with "counter-space."
- Electricity is made of lines of force, so the keys to induction over time are in integral multiples of a Planck constant.
- Conjugate relationship: one is the denial of the other.
- Electrostatic forces pull wires together to increase their ability to store energy, while magnetic forces push wires apart to become larger to store energy.
- Electromagnetic boundaries use reflection; insulators absorb light and conductors are shiny.
- Creating fusion stars in a bottle.
- 1919, Navy formed RCA to shut down radios across the nation.
- Tesla turbines have been used for clog-free liquid pumps.
- Tesla turbines are meant for high cycle devices and don't work well for 60hz A/C.
- Tom Bearden's soviet scalar weapons might be a disinfo to waste tesla society's time.
- A circuit consisting of an inductor and a capacitor will trap energy in oscillation until something takes it away.
- Resonance: when the frequency of a coil matches the inductance. When energy of the magnetic field matches the electrostatic field, the coil becomes a mono-polar transmitter.