Dicyanin "They Live": sunglasses
Created: 2020-07-14T09:40:56.249657
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- Kilnascrene aura goggles originally made by Harry Boddington in 1937.
- George Andrews, in his book EXTRATERRESTRIAL FRIENDS AND FOES [ILLUMINET PRESS., P.O. Box 2808., Lilburn, GA 30226]
- Walter Kilner experimented with dicyanin by coating glass with it.
- A window made of two panes of glass with dicyanin dye creates an astral mirror.
- Walter Kilner wrote "The Human Atmosphere," later republished as "The Human Aura."
The goggles work by sensitizing the eyes to the visible spectrum IR and UV. The eyes then become partially dark adapted as well.
I was able to solve the problem of how to combine pinacyanol with epoxy dye to form a reasonably stable optical plastic.
In particular, that consists of a sharp symmetric blue transition centered around 400nm, and a step form red transition very near to 700nm.
- Three groups of peoples: those with souls of varying wakefulness, the "soul-less" hive, and automatons.