Из интервью с Робом Пайком

by Peter on 2020-05-04 11:39:47

https://evrone.com/rob-pike-interview [1]

Evrone: Imagine that you have an opportunity to travel back in time
and give only one piece of advice to your younger self, at around the
time you’ve started to design the Go language spec.
What advice would you give to yourself and your colleagues?
Rob: That's easy: Ignore the haters. Just listen to the voices that understand
and share your goals; they're the ones to care about. Not everyone agrees
with what you're doing, and that's OK. But those who engage in advancing what
you're trying to do can be a fantastic source of ideas, energy, and inspiration.
We will always be thankful to our passionate community.

Отличный совет :)

https://evrone.com/rob-pike-interview [1]