📣 Post by tante


"AI" isn't about finding God in Reddit posts (that kind of absurd storytelling is OpenAI's core product though). It's about putting pressure on labor, on wages, on workers.
About putting pressure on _you_.




💬 Replies

2024-12-13 LeelaTorres

And it further exploits the global South, which has to sift and label the data for the AIs and it consumes an exorbitant amount of energy and water.

2024-12-13 MadMike77 ┃ 1🔗

@tante Source: artisan.co/blog/stop-hiring-hu…

2024-12-13 archibald_tuttle

My students have shown me what AI can do and it is disappointing (to put it mildly). If these tech-bros think that not having to worry about work-life balance is a primary criterion […]

2024-12-13 Brynawel

Put the pressure back onto the companies: do not buy.

2024-12-13 fredbrooker

@tante AI call centers looks logical as it's fucking crazy job to do, to be honest


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