📣 Post by darth

2024-11-13 ┃ edited

Your boat hits a rock and sinks near an island. You swim to it, save your life, and find four laptops there with #Linux preinstalled. Which one do you pick?
But hurry! Other people are swimming behind you, and in a couple of seconds, there may be fewer than four choices remaining!



Posts tagged #linux

📊 Results (2 voters)

0          Slackware
2 ████████ Debian
0          Red Hat
0          Gentoo

💬 Replies

2024-11-20 darth ┃ 1🔗 1💬

Okay, so I got 114 votes here which is pretty good for someone with 1k followers. Meanwhile I did a test on Twitter to measure the usefulness of that website and I am not sure what to think of […]


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