@futurebird @ptmesis You have me wondering if there is something about the development of 2D thinking and these paintings.
2D thinking is not natural, and (like with dyslexics) can sometimes not really exist for some people. It takes years of exposure for most kids to consistently interpret a 3D image onto a page. b d p and q are the same letter in 3D, and kids will get that confused for years. 2D thinking is a huge part of early education.
Humans are 3D to us - we see them from every angle. Animals up close to a hunter are dead on their side. A naturally 2D posture.
Drawing a detailed animal in 2D from the side is drawing from lived experience. That is how your can get detailed, lifelike forms by only in profile, while humans are symbols.
That 3D thinking with images wasn't broken until the Greeks.
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