πŸ“£ Post by futurebird


Larry Niven earned a BA in mathematics. So adding him to the list of my evidence that studying mathematics is the best preparation for being a science fiction author.



πŸ’¬ Replies

2024-12-16 mansr ┃ 1πŸ‘€

@futurebird Have you read anything by @gregeganSF?

2024-12-16 Scmbradley

@futurebird two kind of tenuous precursors to SF with maths backgrounds:
Lewis Carroll was a logician (he also wrote a whole book in dialogue form railing against non Euclidean […]

2024-12-16 wfewrlk ┃ 1πŸ”—

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2024-12-16 lienrag

Well, considering Niven's style and politics, I'd refrain from claiming him...

2024-12-16 david_chisnall

@futurebird As a counter example: So did Stephen Baxter, yet he still wrote an entire book based on a misunderstanding of basic statistics.

2024-12-16 galoisghost

@futurebird If you are a writer. I have a Bachelor of Mathematics. I don’t think I could write a science fiction story to save my life

2024-12-16 StephanMatthiesen ┃ edited

@futurebird I read Inferno as a child - it was one of the very few sci-fi books in our school library - and was very impressed... But I heard that Niven is unpleasantly conservative.

2024-12-16 llewelly

I mean, when I inventoried my books in 1995, I had everything he had published up to that point, and I had read most of it more than twice, so I have a great many thoughts, but I […]

2024-12-16 kechpaja ┃ edited

@futurebird Larry Niven is very good evidence that being a science fiction author does not necessarily require the ability to write well.

2024-12-16 catselbow ┃ 1πŸ”—

Don't forget Eric Temple Bell ("John Taine"):


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