πŸ“£ Post by futurebird


"If Pica is only 6.2 pounds how then is she able to immobilize a grown man on the couch simply by sitting on him with her immense weight? Explain THAT!"




πŸ”„ piquant00

πŸ’¬ Replies

2024-12-08 mansr

@futurebird Great photo.

2024-12-08 pussreboots

@futurebird cats have variable gravity fields.

2024-12-08 phi1997

She is a sorceress of great power

2024-12-08 MedeaVanamonde

@futurebird Besides being natural Fate-Shifters cats can Polarize Gravity

2024-12-08 sewblue

@futurebird Formost expert in the field of pinning humans to chairs, catting them with powers of immobility.

2024-12-08 VirginiaHolloway ┃ 1πŸ’¬

@futurebird What puzzles me is, if, as she has testified repeatedly, she is never fed, how does Pica weigh 6.2 pounds?

2024-12-07 OceanPinesGuy

@futurebird it’s a physics thing and I don’t understand physics.

2024-12-07 glennsills

Have you read any of the "Dungeon Crawler Carl" series by Matt Dinniman. It is a silly and fun book that includes a cat character named Princess Donut that explains all this.

2024-12-07 HoustonDog ┃ 3#️

she weighs 1.1 pounds (half a kilo) on the moon, but 110 pounds on the lap.

2024-12-07 futurebird ┃ 1πŸ”— 3πŸ’¬

Not even 40 strong men working together could budge her!


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