@frank @cstross @jannem @dx
And I thought that all of that new science was at least part of the whole point of such a project from the standpoint of how it could benefit humans on Earth.
You don't get that with a space plantation that just exists to make money and that requires people to be shipped out there just to keep the population stable.
(although importing people is how the US worked for a long time so it is not without precedent.)
2024-12-07 MedeaVanamonde ┃ 4👤
@futurebird @frank @cstross @jannem @dx
Elon Musk’s Slaves of Barsoom
@futurebird @frank @jannem @dx I'm all in favour of NASA, ESA, JAXA, et al running a humans-on-board scientific expedition or even research base on Mars! Along the lines of the Antarctic […]