💬 Reply by futurebird

2024-12-02 ┃ RE: futurebird

[US Pol: but at least we agree on ... nothing.]
The purpose of claiming "higher ideals" in a debate is to find common ground. We might not be able to agree on tax policy, my friend, but we can both agree that censorship is bad. We might not agree on the best trade policy, but at least we agree that individual freedom is important.
For all their flaws liberals tend to use this rhetorical move in an earnest manner. Liberals are shocked over and over that conservatives aren't sincere.



🔄 futurebird

💬 Replies

2024-12-02 JessTheUnstill

[re: US Pol: but at least we agree on ... nothing.]

2024-12-02 mcsquank

[US Pol: but at least we agree on ... nothing.]

2024-12-02 spaceghoti

@futurebird I don't know that it can be said that we're "shocked" so much as disappointed. Disappointed (but not surprised!) that conservatives continue to be dishonest in their dealings, and […]

2024-12-02 tadbithuman

A brilliant 2 term President said once, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me again... You can't fool me again!"

2024-12-02 futurebird ┃ edited ┃ 3💬

[US Pol: no consequence for hypocrisy]


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