💬 Reply by futurebird

2024-12-02 ┃ RE: nazokiyoubinbou

But there isn't an upper limit on large.
With small you hit the plank and can't do much else.




💬 Replies

2024-12-02 mattmcirvin ┃ 1👤

@futurebird @nazokiyoubinbou it's not even clear that the Planck length is a hard limit to smallness, just that there's somewhat speculative theoretical reason to believe that space doesn't […]

2024-12-02 WAHa_06x36 ┃ 1👤

@futurebird @nazokiyoubinbou There is the observable universe, which is a pretty reasonable upper limit, especially since the *reachable* universe is smaller than this.

2024-12-02 nazokiyoubinbou

@futurebird I think there actually are two upper limits. First there's the obvious: what actually physically exists. (Eg all the mass out there in stars, planets, rocks, etc etc.)
The other […]


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