📣 Post by mitch


sit down, please, we need to talk.
yes, it's serious.
i need to talk to you about how Fahrenheit is a far more rational scale of measuring temperature compared to celsius.
what? yes, i'm serious. how often do human beings interact with virtually unadulterated, pure h2o? Fahrenheit uses two poles humans can perceive with their senses — the freezing point of brine (the most common substance on earth), and the normal body temperature of a person.



💬 Replies

2024-12-10 Sir_Osis_of_Liver

I can walk on the river 6 months of the year. Water freezing is the inflection point.

2024-12-10 dogfox ┃ 1💬

Specifically, it is the body temperature Mrs. Fahrenheit, which I think is very cute.

2024-12-10 farah ┃ 1💬

@mitch The only time to use Fahrenheit scale is when you mention that book

2024-12-10 falcennial ┃ 1💬

@mitch nice try but there is no way you are serious 🤣🤣
"guys listen, we gotta measure temperature by the two most familiar gauges on earth, firstly by getting into a cold shower and also by […]

2024-12-10 mitch ┃ 1💬

i don't really care about this, i understand why centigrade is cool and why we should use it.
but i'm also not gonna let anyone score one under the goalie on behalf of my boy Daniel Gabriel […]


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