πŸ“£ Post by dmm

2024-11-14 ┃ edited

Back when I was studying the Bloch Sphere (an incredibly beautiful way to describe the state of a qbit [1]), I noticed that the Kornecker/tensor product [2] of qubit states computes the one-hot representation of the n-bit state vector. These state vectors turn out to be the basis vectors in the complex space representing a quantum register. Anyway, this one-hot-like representation [3] reminded me of how inputs and labels for machine learning algorithms are frequently coded (at least in many supervised learning settings).
My question: Is there a deeper connection between the tensor products we find in quantum mechanics and the one-hot encodings we find in machine learning?
I wrote up a bit more, hoping to remember the details in the future. In any event, see the image (or scan Section 4 of davidmeyer.github.io/qc/bloch_…). As always, questions/comments/corrections/* greatly appreciated.
[1] "Introduction to quantum computing: Bloch sphere.", akyrillidis.github.io/notes/qu…
[2] :On the Kronecker Product", math.uwaterloo.ca/~hwolkowi/he…
[3] "One-hot", en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-hot
#machinelearning #quantummechanics #blochsphere #onehotencoding #physics #math #maths








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