πŸ“£ Post by mntmn


we're working on getting the MNT Reform Next campaign going! if you don't wanna miss the launch you can subscribe with your email here: crowdsupply.com/mnt/mnt-reform…
the page still has older photos with a 3d-printed case, we'll update these in a few days with the aluminum case ones :3




πŸ’¬ Replies

2024-12-13 julienmalka ┃ 1πŸ’¬

@mntmn Do you think you’ll have a few of them to sell at 38C3? πŸ˜‡ (If you come?)

2024-12-12 etam

@mntmn Aaawww... my current 5 year old laptop (Librem 15 btw) is still working fine. MNT Reform Next surely will be my next one, but only after this one is dead.

2024-12-12 max_power ┃ 1πŸ’¬

@mntmn Den Next ohne Pulverbeschichtung fΓ€nde ich ganz cool.

2024-12-12 RyukaZou ┃ 1πŸ”—


2024-12-12 morl0ck

@mntmn cool stuff

2024-12-12 BUF0 ┃ 1πŸ’¬

@mntmn Are you still planning to launch it before 2025?

2024-12-12 magnetic_tape

Congrats! I'm happy with my Pocket Reform so I think I'm not getting that one but I'm still monitoring the campaign and will wait for a hypothetical MNT Rack model (both for a homelab […]

2024-12-12 fkooman

> Other distributions and OSes via EDK2 UEFI (in development)


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