📣 Post by geerlingguy


Modder successfully hacks missing M.2 slot into Pi 500: jeffgeerling.com/blog/2024/pi-…





💬 Replies

2024-12-13 423321

@geerlingguy Any idea why my browser thinks this link leads to "too many redirects"?

2024-12-13 petko

@geerlingguy Oh, now there will be even more opportunities to use raspberry devices for tasks they absolutely suck at!!! (they suck at every task)

2024-12-13 tripplehelix

@geerlingguy Wonder what prevented them from releasing it with both the M.2 and the PoE features. They must have prioritised the low price and rushed it out, before they had fully figured it […]

2024-12-13 DigitalKrampus

@geerlingguy fantastic!!

2024-12-13 Sknashville ┃ 4🔗 1💬

@geerlingguy - these are your friends lol. Rossman group actually sells all the supplies in one spot.

2024-12-13 thomas ┃ edited

[Content warning]

2024-12-13 Razemix

@geerlingguy Why the hell doesn't it have an M.2 slot by default? 🤯


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