πŸ“£ Post by eff


β€œIt’s not illegal to have a monopoly,” EFF’s @mitchstoltz told Vox about Google. β€œBut it is illegal to leverage one’s monopoly power to maintain that monopoly, basically to stay a monopolist by means other than simply having the best product.” vox.com/technology/387375/goog…





πŸ”„ GustavinoBevilacqua

πŸ’¬ Replies

2024-11-24 jmht ┃ 1πŸ‘€

@eff @mitchstoltz I'm just curious how they think this will help? Who is going to buy Chrome? Or Android? The latter, I suppose, has an income stream, but probably not a sustaining one. πŸ€”

2024-11-23 cultdev ┃ 1πŸ‘€

@eff @mitchstoltz we need better browsers in general

2024-11-23 DemFighter ┃ 1πŸ‘€

@eff @mitchstoltz Show me a monopoly that has never broken the rules.
It's like saying that owning a gun is OK, but using it to shoot people is illegal. Come on, where there are guns, there […]

2024-11-23 dqwacacaqdxqa ┃ 1πŸ”—

@eff shorturl.at/FM5Jb

2024-11-23 sparky57 ┃ 2#️ 1πŸ‘€

@eff @mitchstoltz i use #lynx mostly and #duckduckgo when a site requires needless eye candy oops i mean java.
oh, and sometimes an RSS reader written in ".sh" bash scripting.

2024-11-22 turbobob ┃ 4#️

β€œBut it is illegal to leverage one’s monopoly power to maintain that monopoly, basically to stay a monopolist by means other than simply having the best product.”
This actually sounds […]

2024-11-22 turbobob ┃ edited ┃ 4#️

β€œBut it is illegal to leverage one’s monopoly power to maintain that monopoly, basically to stay a monopolist by means other than simply having the best product.”
This actually sounds […]

2024-11-22 turbobob ┃ 1#️

β€œBut it is illegal to leverage one’s monopoly power to maintain that monopoly, basically to stay a monopolist by means other than simply having the best product.”
Actually sounds more […]

2024-11-22 turbobob ┃ 1#️

β€œBut it is illegal to leverage one’s monopoly power to maintain that monopoly, basically to stay a monopolist by means other than simply having the best product.”
Actually sounds like a […]


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