📣 Post by bagder


The current #curl source code (product code) is exactly 1.14 times War And Peace by word count.




Posts tagged #curl

💬 Replies

2024-12-04 ang_mo_uncle

@bagder once it reaches 3.14 you've got war and pies

2024-12-04 FrankGevaerts

@bagder Which one of them has the most curly brackets?

2024-12-04 spv ┃ 1💬

@bagder not sure if that's a testament to curl's length or war and peace's shorth

2024-12-04 jpmens

@bagder new idea for a curl option: --how-many-war-and-peace-is-curl-now

2024-12-04 profdc9

@bagder "Every well maintained source tree is the same, and every poorly maintained source tree is buggy in its own way."

2024-12-04 christianrickert ┃ 1💬

@bagder Very few code bases can measure their size in integers of "War And Peace". 😂

2024-12-04 icing

@bagder "curl 8.11.1: war and peace"🤟


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