💬 Reply by craigduncan

2024-12-03 ┃ RE: ?

@thegibson @GeoffWozniak
This has been occupying my thoughts for much of the last day. On the subject of constraints, it's possible to impose them at a macro level. I've made a decision to delete any apps larger than 1GB on a non-linux machine. It's an interesting filter. I free up 33GB instantly with just the top few, and these are just made by two companies. There's also a browser that won't make the cut in the next few down the list.
The stupid thing is I've been avoiding using these monster apps for a while, but the implied lease on the machine (as well as the constant pressure to update) doesn't go away.
So immediately the question is: where is the effort for smaller apps? Mostly in GNU/FOSS software.
One thing that seems apparent is that corporate software apps are built as if they were a circus for the entertainment of anyone who comes into contact with them (whether developers or end users). It's another case where the medium of software has become the primary purpose for economic value. Just liike the medium of cars, e.g. their size and entertainment systems have become more important than just getting from A to B.
#software #restraint #resources #ethics





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