💬 Reply by drsbaitso

2024-12-06 ┃ RE: thegibson

@TheGibson "Hello, this is Bob!"
"Oh, Mrs. Jameson! Yes, Heaven's very nice."
"No, I only played a psychiatrist in that one show, Mrs. Jameson."
"You did WHAT? You don't remember his FIRST TERM?"
"Well, again, I'm not actually a psychiatrist. And I don't think we can handle a group session for that many people."
"Mrs. Jameson, I don't have a room that can fit a hundred million people."
"I know, I miss you and all my other friends too."
"Oh, good news. I just checked the schedule and you've got a Celestial Orientation Session next summer."
"Oh, it actually looks like that's a busy week."
"Oh, it's a very busy week."
"Yes, I agree you should take that vacation in the Bahamas. I'd schedule it before August 5th."
"No, I wouldn't worry about how busy late August normally is for you."
"Good to talk to you too, Mrs. Jameson. I can't wait to see you too."
"Oh, before you go, how exactly did you get this number?"
"Father Mulcahey gave it to you."
"Hmm, it looks like I'll get to have a word with him about that next month. Oh, wait, I'm afraid I won't."
"Yes, you have some happy holidays too. I think you should enjoy as much of Mr. McRoy's eggnog as you can."
"Bye bye now."




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