πŸ’¬ Reply by briankrebs

2024-12-18 ┃ RE: briankrebs

"Tony told KrebsOnSecurity that in the weeks following the theft of his 45 bitcoins, he became so consumed with rage and shame that he was seriously contemplating suicide. Then one day, while scouring the Internet for signs that others may have been phished by Daniel, he encountered Griffin posting on Reddit about the phone number involved in his recent bitcoin theft.
Griffin said the two of them were initially suspicious of each other β€” exchanging cautious messages for about a week β€” but he decided Tony was telling the truth after contacting the FBI agent that Tony said was working his case. Comparing notes, they discovered the fake Google security alerts they received just prior to their individual bitcoin thefts referenced the same phony β€œGoogle Support Case ID” number."



πŸ’¬ Replies

2024-12-18 Lazarou

@briankrebs I hope they become friends.


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