📣 Post by thegibson


Oh good, now there are three allow nazi buttons....




💬 Replies

2024-12-15 drakenblackknight

I used this post to prove my point about Blueski allowing nazis. Even told people where to find it if they want to see it for themselves.

2024-12-14 otfrom

@thegibson are they both sidesing it? I'm guessing the violence block would block things like "punch a nazi"

2024-12-14 rhosyn

@thegibson I have maintained for decades that I want an tag.

2024-12-14 undead

Ew, that's more of an invitation than a deterrent.

2024-12-14 antijingoist

@thegibson so that means that threats, incitement, and planning murder are allowed on bluesky? nice.

2024-12-14 m

@thegibson Can I have extremists with violence, but hold the intolerance?

2024-12-14 WanderingInDigitalWorlds ┃ 1💬

@thegibson If there's not a punching Nazi option, it's failed completely. As in, actual moderators throwing these fucks off of social media because they are breaking the social […]

2024-12-14 m

@thegibson I hate this. I want 3 punch nazis buttons instead.

2024-12-14 elomatreb

@TheGibson They should have went with a slider so you can freely control the degree of nazi you want to see


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