πŸ“£ Post by thegibson


Universe, I am confused on how to feel about this.... on the one hand, I think we have enough going on.
on the other hand... grey goo would cleanse everything.... EVERYTHING.




πŸ’¬ Replies

2024-12-13 engarneering ┃ 1πŸ”—

@thegibson en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Techni…

2024-12-13 undead

More likely, it would either kill our species with 100% efficacy, or it would wipe out a key species required for humans to live, like bees.

2024-12-12 drwho

@thegibson Reminds me a lot of the _Rifters_ trilogy by Peter Watts.

2024-12-12 gr3yg00

@thegibson Don't tempt me ;)

2024-12-12 banjofox2 ┃ 1πŸ’¬

Soon it will all be clean(tm)?

2024-12-12 bbelton

@thegibson I'm tired of living in a DC comic. Lex Luthor and the Joker working on bizarro microbes. We need Silver Surfer to cross over and deal with these guys.

2024-12-12 pjsliney ┃ 1πŸ’¬

@TheGibson this has strong β€œSweet Meteor Of Death” vibes.

2024-12-12 Miredly

@thegibson Seems less like grey goo and more like the T-Virus, but I guess from the perspective of society it's more or less the same.

2024-12-12 xenophile ┃ 1πŸ’¬

@thegibson if you haven't read "seven eves" you might like it if this issue is interesting to you.

2024-12-12 earthshine ┃ 1πŸ’¬

@thegibson not really a grey goo thing but pretty fucked up nonetheless


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