💬 Reply by thegibson

2024-12-11 ┃ RE: briankrebs

I had to go back to 2017 with a low end Willy's Jeep.
zero remote telemetry...
also, crank windows.
Advantage is it's also very easy to turn a wrench on.




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2024-12-11 prasket ┃ 1👤

@thegibson @briankrebs ive been thinning about picking up a Subaru Sambra truck. Can get them for $4k ish right from the docks here in Tacoma WA.

2024-12-11 briankrebs ┃ 1💬

@TheGibson I had a Jeep for 14 years and really enjoyed it. Also got many skin cancers on upper body as a result :/


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