📣 Post by thegibson


A wearable/pocket device that doesn't support expandable storage is a threat.



💬 Replies

2024-12-10 AMS

@TheGibson I'm ok with rings and watches (because of interface limitations and size constraints). But phones need storage.

2024-12-09 drakenblackknight

This is why I use a USB-C stick to store sensitive files on the go and wired USB-C headphones to listen to my music.

2024-12-09 voltur

@thegibson storage and battery replacement. And things that work in synergy, like requiring bluetooth earbuds that do not themselves have replaceable batteries? DOUBLE THREAT.

2024-12-09 crankylinuxuser

Casio F-91W begs to differ 😹

2024-12-09 engarneering

@thegibson "support" is relative.f for anyone with a good enough solder station and/or root access.

2024-12-09 amca

@thegibson Why is that?


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