πŸ“£ Post by thegibson

2024-12-01 ┃ edited

Have you ever considered the way enshittification has crept into your local compute stack?
Think about application and code bloat.
Technical Debt is expensive to fix... and with cpu, memory, and storage in abundance... then there is little reason for them to address optimization.
This is also a form of enshittification, because you could be taking advantage of nearly infinite compute power, but instead we have Electron apps, and web browsers eating memory and CPU when they are even partially active.



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πŸ’¬ Replies

2024-12-05 amca

@thegibson I'm sure then the Climate Apocalypse comes, computing will be forced to make do by cleaning up the technical debt. πŸ™‚

2024-12-02 CelloMomOnCars

It's similar to energy use: if there is plenty (or anyway it's cheap), we don't think about how much we use, and our stuff gobbles up energy and we think that's normal.

2024-12-02 Antonym39 ┃ 1πŸ”—

@thegibson πŸ”ΊHello Do you wish to be famous, wealthy and powerful? Be part of this elite organization called the illuminati brotherhood filled with world leaders, business authorities, artists, […]

2024-12-02 AMS ┃ edited

@TheGibson I've got webservers that have weathered many a slashdotting (and fedi links) on 1 vCPU and 256MB of RAM. It isn't hard. Smart, careful people have made the tools. It just takes […]

2024-12-02 rye

[Content warning]

2024-12-02 SaftyKuma

The "why are the AWS bills so high?" conversation might creep into some shops when things get out of hand.

2024-12-01 craigduncan ┃ 1#️

@thegibson all the time. I oscillate between avoidance strategies and #deshittification by rolling my own alternatives.

2024-12-01 rrb

@TheGibson I think it is more an issue of tech firms being interested mainly in screwing their users. They do not want to deliver anything of use to anyone. They want to invade your privacy […]

2024-12-01 carbontwelve ┃ 1#️

@thegibson it became most obvious the last time I worked a #DOScember project. Developing an application to run on an 8086 CPU with 640KB of RAM really opens your eyes to the wastefulness of […]

2024-12-01 theruran

@thegibson I've found myself actually reminiscing about Windows 98 SE, or was it 95, 'cause that was still better than the shit I deal with sometimes.


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