💬 Reply by thegibson

2024-11-26 ┃ RE: ?

@c0debabe @benhamill
probably just teleport it into space right out of the colon.
Seems like an algo Scotty would've worked up.





💬 Replies

2024-11-26 BryanRombough ┃ 3👤

@thegibson @c0debabe @benhamill @JoshuaACNewman I swear I saw a TNG technical drawing/spec sheet for a shuttle or runabout which said exactly that.
I'm sure I saw a screenshot on tumblr. I'll […]

2024-11-26 drwho ┃ 2👤

@thegibson @c0debabe @benhamill I think we know what the matter source for the engines is now.

2024-11-26 mwl ┃ 2👤

@thegibson @c0debabe @benhamill
Yeah, but Young Scotty. Back in the Academy. Late night Saturday, a little tipsy, on a dare.

2024-11-26 c0debabe ┃ 1👤

@thegibson @benhamill I hate it but you're probably not wrong either


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