I am seeing so much investment right now in AI eliminating infosec jobs that I am discouraged.
This is not the way it was supposed to go.
@thegibson the promise of AI to investors has always been "...to allow wealth access to skill while removing from skill the ability to access wealth"...
...but we will take what is made and […]
@thegibson they don't understand the assignment and we're left holding the bag :crash:
@thegibson I think it will go bad security-wise. Better to batten down our forts...
@thegibson they won't like the bill for securing the AI though...
@TheGibson wait for it to fail miserably at securing stuff
i also worry that we already have enough companies cutting security staff/resources and not listening to proactive warnings. using AI to generate such warnings gives them yet […]
In the long run I am skeptical on AI replacing all infosec jobs. But I could be naive.
@thegibson so how goes the movement to poison the data sets the tech is using?
@thegibson Right now the big grifters are banking on re-hiring humans for peanuts when the bubble finally bursts. They're seeking to do as much wanton damage as possible, to that very end.
@thegibson I'm actively looking at exiting the tech industry as a career at all. Some good recommendations have been plumber, electrician, and HVAC technician