📣 Post by leah


What's the oldest OpenSSH you run in prod?



📊 Results (13 voters)

<= 5.0          0
<= 6.5 ▉        1
<= 7.9 ██▋      3
<= 9.0 ████████ 9

💬 Replies

2024-12-12 larsbrinkhoff ┃ edited ┃ 1💬

@leah What's the oldest Emacs you run in prod?

2024-12-12 q66

@leah 9.9p1 is not an option...

2024-12-12 cks ┃ 1💬

@leah Thankfully you didn't ask what the oldest OpenSSH version I regularly connect to is, because that would have been in the <= 7.9 bucket. (And my DSL modem is out on the technicality that […]

2024-12-12 leah

cowards 😆

2024-12-11 jens

@leah good one. I'm not telling you my CVE collection 😃


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