📣 Post by adhdeanasl


Finished interpreting court, now I’m at a little coffee shop across and down from the courthouse. It’s one of those places where Hallmark meet-cutes happen, all historic repurposed wood and exposed, black-painted duct work.
Featured Drinks: Rum, Rum, Rudolph: butter rum syrup with caramel drizzle
Gingerbread Man: gingerbread syrup with cinnamon dust
Little Debbie Christmas Tree: white chocolate, vanilla, cake batter
There’s a woman sitting up in the window reading a paperback with her back to the street. She’s got the cover folded over backward, so I know she’s a bad person. Also, she sneezed and didn’t cover it. Just nasty.
The barista is staying busy and only making the most necessary eye contact.
The confections in the case look forlorn, and despite my sweet tooth, I’m leaving them be.
I see frequent flyer punch cards for discount coffee; perhaps I’ll get one. Deaf people in this county seem to get in trouble a fair bit, so there’s a moderate chance I’ll be here again in a couple months.
The barista sat at her laptop and accidentally made eye contact with me. I apologized but don’t know why.
The coffee is decent. Medium-strong, smooth, not bitter, and slightly nutty. Yeah, I should probably get the frequent flyer card.



💬 Replies

2024-12-06 rothko ┃ 1💬

@adhdeanasl deaf people in a particular county getting in trouble a lot sounds like a certain police/sheriff department needs some serious training.

2024-12-06 kinsale42

@adhdeanasl I would like a rum, rum Rudolph

2024-12-06 Outis ┃ 1💬

@adhdeanasl love these! Right balance of just-judgy-enough observational prose. I see a once-week NPR slot for the James Bond of interpreters (re: the full length natty photo post of many many […]

2024-12-06 adhdeanasl ┃ 2💬

Two women came in. The one who looks younger sounds like a smoker. She said she doesn’t want anything hot. It’s 34°F outside, and she’s in a t-shirt.

2024-12-06 LikeItOrLumpIt

I love this snapshot post, Dean! ❤️


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