💬 Reply by adhdeanasl

2024-12-05 ┃ RE: ?

@GottaLaff Outcries and, just perhaps, serendipitously timed shootings?




💬 Replies

2024-12-06 profdc9 ┃ 1👤

@adhdeanasl @GottaLaff If they capitulate to violence, they will be inviting more violence. I'm surprised they didn't double down and rescind coverage for anesthesia entirely.

2024-12-05 Nazani ┃ 1👤

@adhdeanasl @GottaLaff
Make 'em live in armed compounds & only venture out in bullet-proof cars. It's the way the rich live in many countries.

2024-12-05 hllizi ┃ 1🔗 1👤

@adhdeanasl @GottaLaff hespere.de/@hllizi/11360256056…


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