πŸ“£ Post by adhdeanasl


I predict 3, maybe 4 more CEOs getting shot before Congress’ #1 concern is guns



πŸ’¬ Replies

2024-12-06 bob

Waiting for them to issue CEO hunting license with no bag limits 😜

2024-12-06 KikoKate

@adhdeanasl No bet.

2024-12-06 Melissabeartrix ┃ 1πŸ’¬

I think you're dreaming there Dean ... It's not the guns remember

2024-12-06 coffeetest

@adhdeanasl And then DOGE will create a new govt dept to protect CEOs.

2024-12-05 wyldphyre ┃ 1πŸ‘€

@adhdeanasl @lisamelton And if they actually do start cracking down on guns, it will probably end up with the wealthy having guns to protect from the poors, who won’t be allowed them

2024-12-05 Luna

@adhdeanasl Being tough on guns did not save Abe.

2024-12-05 gettingcomputey ┃ 1πŸ”—

@adhdeanasl I think the only thing that does that is line go down. If they lose money, then change happens. Right now, this increases their money in their eyes because that CEOs promised money […]

2024-12-05 Kierkegaanks ┃ 1πŸ’¬

@adhdeanasl what about oracle getting a contract for live ai surveillance everywhere and lethal drones?

2024-12-05 Okanogen

The true subject of Robocop was corporate infighting.

2024-12-05 mousey

@adhdeanasl Those are rookie numbers, we gotta get those numbers up, way up!


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