👽 Alex Feinman (afeinman@wandering.shop)



Obligate infovore; I write fantasy, sci fi, and software. All posts made with 100% recycled electrons, sustainably crafted by artisanal artisans. He*/him/his. Doctor, if you absolutely insist.
Nothing said here should be construed as in any way connected to my daytime employer.
I boost and star freely. Boosts of my stuff are jes' fine. I control follow requests to avoid scrapers and spammers, is not personal.

Joined: 2023-03-30

Tags I follow include:: #pixelArt, #ttrpg, #math, #amWriting, ...

Why did this guy randomly like one of my posts?: Probably saw it through a hashtag or boost.


2024-12-07 afeinman ┃ RE: futurebird

@futurebird I may be 85,000 words into writing a novel about a generation ship that is having issues because it's marinating in the past rather than generating new stories and music and […]


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