👽 Sayar Tyler (sayartyler@toots.tylerdavis.xyz)



English: C2, Burmese: B2, Spanish: B2, German: B1-B2, Sizang Chin: B1, Tedim Chin: B1, Thai: A2
Christianity - Lutheranism (LCMS)
#nobot #antinazi #lutheran

Joined: 2023-07-05


Blob.cat (alt): @sayartyler@blob.cat

Usual Suspects (alt): @sayartyler@the.usualsuspects.lol

Political Compass


2024-12-01 sayartyler ┃ 1👤 ┃ RE: BrodieOnLinux

@BrodieOnLinux @lunduke On a related note, was it GNOME or KDE that is dangerously low on funding this year?

2024-12-01 sayartyler ┃ RE: BrodieOnLinux

@BrodieOnLinux Yikes. I mean, more power to them, but what?


2024-11-27 sayartyler ┃ RE: verge

@verge *wink, wink*


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