👽 Democracy Dies in Dumbass (ShredderFeeder@shredderfood.com)



Die Hard is a Christmas Movie.
Ask me about Linux as a primary operating system, yes, even for gamers. #Nerdlyfe #cyberpunk2077
I apparently need to say this again: If you are in any way fragile, don't follow me, it will end predictably....
Illegitimi non carborundum.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." (They made their choice, now they have to live with it.

Joined: 2022-12-29


Politics: Fuck Trump

Religion: GTFO

Autistic: As Fuck


2024-12-04 ShredderFeeder ┃ RE: futurebird

@futurebird Most AI sounds like a 12 year old doing a research paper who has been given a rubrik to follow and followed it just a LITTLE too closely.


2024-12-03 ShredderFeeder ┃ RE: drwho

@drwho don't know that one. ;-) (serves me right for being nosey)

2024-12-03 ShredderFeeder ┃ 1💬 ┃ RE: drwho

@drwho Rebuild of... ;-)


2024-12-02 ShredderFeeder ┃ RE: arstechnica

@arstechnica They'll just have to not manufacture them in China.
Which is a win for everyone involved.


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