Joined: 2023-01-16
2024-12-16 mtconleyuk ┃ 1🔗 ┃ RE: arstechnica
@arstechnica Texting from dead zones might prove useful in the near future ...
2024-12-16 mtconleyuk ┃ RE: arstechnica
@arstechnica 'Home in', not 'hone in'.
2024-12-10 mtconleyuk ┃ RE: arstechnica
@arstechnica I guess yet another object lesson or two regarding corporate hubris is required.
2024-12-06 mtconleyuk ┃ RE: pluralistic
@pluralistic You're being far too optimistic. I'm still having to take my shoes off, still having to put liquids in little bottles and then into baggies, still having to do all the same shit […]
2024-12-05 mtconleyuk ┃ 1🔗 ┃ RE: arstechnica